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Eagle Fire Department: Controlled Burns

Eagle fire news images

1/29/2024 2:28:00 PM

Did you know that March is the month that the local ditch companies, water districts and agricultural land burn off the dead leaves, branches and debris from the previous fall? Although it may be a bit concerning to those who aren’t familiar with the practice, the controlled burns are something that occurs in our area.

A few rules that are followed by all:

  • Check the local air quality index by calling the DEQ Burn Hotline at 208-373-0313 or find the index online:
  • Burning is allowed 8 a.m. to sunset.
  • A competent adult supervises the burn until all fire is fully extinguished.
  • Do not burn on days when weather conditions or air quality prohibits it.
  • Burn piles must be no larger than 3' wide and 2' tall.
  • Have fire-fighting equipment such as sacks, buckets, shovels, pitch forks & water supply readily available.
  • Notify your neighbors of your plans to burn.

If you feel the burn is out of control or materials are being burned illegally please dial 9-1-1 or the Ada County non-emergency number at: 208-377-6790. 

Fire Chief Tyler Lewis

Eagle Fire Chief

Image News-Annoucements/ControlledBurn.jpg
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